Friday, August 1, 2008

Another awesome ride!

Rode again with Dave last night. Wasn't really into the ride going into it, in fact I was a little worried because I felt pretty tired (have all week since the last ride!) and figured there was no way I could have a good ride. Still, I need to ride, and riding with Dave pushes me far harder than I could on my own. So, I went for it.

The start of the ride, I didn't feel too bad, except for a nagging saddle issue about which I won't go into detail. However, I eventually warmed up and started feeling better, and next thing you know, we're actually riding. One thing I had changed was the addition of Hammer's Perpetuem to my water, consuming a bottle before the ride, and a bottle during. I think it made a significant difference to my riding, as the only cramping I had was some light threats from my calves toward the end of the ride.

On Monday, we rode Route 29 in NJ, and I wound up sitting on Dave's wheel most of the time. Yesterday, I pulled for a couple miles out of Stockton, rolling around 24.5mph for most of the time. Nice to feel my flatland legs coming back. Plus, in the hills, I was still a long, long way from fast, but Dave noticed the improvement from Monday. I attacked Stover's Mill Road, the same hill that gave me that paralyzing cramp on Monday, and powered over the top on my 39/21. My heart nearly exploded, but my legs were fine. Got right back on that horse that threw me. :)

All in all, we added 5 miles to Monday's ride for a total of 43.7 miles -- 70 km even! And for all that extra riding, we only added 10 minutes to the total ride time, meaning we averaged just over 1mph faster, and that's with a couple miles of slower cool-down riding weaving through Doylestown at the end! For comparison, my longest ride so far this year was .1 mile longer and took over 20 minutes longer.

Like I said, I ride harder with Dave. I do have a pretty ripping headache this morning, but other than that I feel pretty good.

On the return home, I got another reminder why I no longer ride with CBBC. As we were heading back on Stover's Mill Road, we caught up to six riders. Two were in the back, riding in the center of the road, but we had room to get by. The remaining four, however, were spread completely across the road and oblivious to the world around them -- especially behind. As I approached, I called out "rider back!" once, then twice, and got no response. Finally they figured out someone was back there, and so began this disjointed and haphazzard response. I got past three, and was heading to the right of the lead rider who was on the left side of the road, but then, without bothering to look behind her, veered to the right directly across my path.

Sure, they were very nice once they realized we were there, but honestly, that's just why I stopped riding with CBBC. It's not uncommon, for a CBBC ride to spread out completely across the lane, even over, and make no accomodation for cars trying to pass, then getting annoyed when a car had to make a pass on a blind corner at a high speed because they got tired of waiting. I've never seen any ride leaders make any effort to change it, either. I got sick of being a part of that.

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