Monday, March 24, 2008

Like a bucket of grapes...

Okay, that's it, no more making Grace's bike lighter and faster. Screw project 18, it's time for project fill-the-damned-seat-tube-with-lead-shot. We rode on Friday with BVL and Lance, where I was happy to discover that I wasn't the slowest of the group-- Lance hasn't been riding at all and had him a good suffer fest on his singlespeed... on the other hand, Grace did really well, passing me on several occasions.

Then, Saturday, I took the opportunity to swap her tires for the Kenda Karmas, and we got out last night to ride. This time it was just me and her, and she stomped me like a bucket of grapes at the winery. Stomped me like a bug. She just stormed right up the hills, she took off on the flats, and she even rocked the downhills. We didn't have much light, thanks to a late start, so had to bail out early and ride back on Forbidden, and towards the end, I couldn't even hang onto her wheel. The sprint at the end was utterly out of the question.

So she was getting fast before, and now she's officially there. She loves the tires, said she could feel a real difference on the climbs, and I felt a real difference trying to keep up with her on Forbidden. She didn't even notice that I had swapped out her 11-34 cassette for a 11-32, saving over 40g in the process.

So am I bitter? Will I stop making her bike lighter and faster? Hell no! I'm just gonna have to step it up and see what I can do about catching her. :)

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