So, he got the Pi, got an OS on it, got it booted up, and then said "I have no idea what to do with it." So I thought a little, and realized, if the goal is temp logging, there's a really, really easy place to start.
I sent him this:
eval $(date +'now=%s date=%y%m%d')
echo "cpu.temp,$(< /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp),$now" > \
Then, make it executable:
chmod +x log-cpu-temp
Test it by running it:
It should create a file in your home directory cputemp-151223.csv containing the current CPU temperature in millideg C - something along the line of "35780" which means 35.780 deg C.
Once it's running, then add it to your crontab:
crontab -e
and add to the bottom:
* * * * * /home/pi/log-cpu-temp
Once you save and exit, it'll log the CPU temperature to the CSV file every minute.
Welcome to data logging!
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