Saturday, August 22, 2015

SVC mini-script storage

In a former life, I was a storage administrator for Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Center City, Philadelphia. Aside from the wide array of lunch options we had to choose from, another thing I really enjoyed was working with IBM's SVC, or SAN Volume Controller. As a sysadmin, there are few software packages that you truly enjoy working with and you think are really, really good, but the SVC was one of those. One of the reasons was because the command-line interface was just a restricted Bash shell - something I knew very, very well. This allowed me to do pretty amazing things, as the shell is a wonderfully capable programming language. Back then, I had a Wiki that I used as a notepad, and I had several pages on the cool things you could do with SVC on the command line. Here is one of those pages, cut-and-pasted from my internal webserver. Be warned, though - none of this has been updated since about 2007!

Thanks to the awesome Aussie Storage Blog for the inspiration to resurrect these old pages.

all of the miniscripts are copied via straight cut and paste so you'll have to scroll horizontally. Upside is you can cut and paste from here and into SVC.

very limited "grep" function

function grep { typeset my; while read my; do [[ $my == *$1* ]] && echo $my; done; }
Very rudimentary, just searches stdin for a simple match anywhere on the line, prints the line if it's a match.

Fancy monitor for MDiskGrp Migration with size and progress bar:

function progress { bar="########################################"; echo "Waiting: $(svcinfo lsmigrate | while read x y; do [[ $x = progress ]] && p=$y; [[ $x = migrate_source_vdisk_index ]] && vdisk=$y; if [[ $x = migrate_source_vdisk_copy_id ]]; then if [[ $p = 0 ]]; then echo -n "$vdisk "; else eval $(svcinfo lsvdisk $vdisk | while read a b; do [[ $a = name ]] && echo vdn=$b; [[ $a = real_capacity ]] && b=${b//.00/} && echo sz=$b; done ); printf "Vdisk %16s %3d%% of %7s [%-${#bar}s]\n" "$vdn" "${p}" "${sz}" "${bar:0:$((${#bar}*p/100))}" >&2; fi; fi; done)"; }

Show info about the vdisks assigned to a host

function lshostvdisk { [[ -z $1 ]] && return; FMT="%3s %-16s %6s %10s %7s %-7s\n"; echo "===== VDisks assigned to host $1 ====="; printf "$FMT" "ID" " VDisk" "Size" "MDiskGrp " "IOGrp " " UID"; svcinfo lshostvdiskmap -nohdr $1 | while read a a a vdid vd a; do svcinfo lsvdisk $vd | while read x y; do case $x in IO_group_name) iogrp=$y;; mdisk_grp_name) mdg=$y;; capacity) sz=${y/.??};; vdisk_UID) uid=${y:28};; grainsize) printf "$FMT" "$vdid" "$vd" "$sz" "$mdg" "$iogrp" "...$uid";; esac; done; done; }
Takes a single argument, returns a formatted list of vdisks assigned to the hosts, showing vdisk ID, name, size, mdiskgrp, iogrp, and the last four characters of the UID.

Match an arg to a host WWPN

function hostwwpn { [[ -z $1 ]] && echo Missing argument. && return; svcinfo lshost -nohdr | while read a h a a; do f=$(svcinfo lshost $h | grep $1); [[ -n $f ]] && echo $h $f; done; }

List dead hosts

function lsdeadhosts { svcinfo lshost -nohdr | while read a h a a; do z=$(svcinfo lshost $h | while read x y; do [[ $x = node_logged_in_count ]] && echo -n "$y"; [[ $x = state ]] && printf "/%-8s " "$y"; done ); [[ $z = *0* || $z == *inactive* ]] && printf "%-16s %-s\n" "$h" "$z"; done; }
This function searches through the host objects and looks for ones that have a zero in the "node_logged_in_count". It then displays the hosts as well as the node_logged_in_count numbers, and anything with all zeros is not currently connected to the SAN.

List live hosts

function lslivehosts { svcinfo lshost -nohdr | while read a h a a; do z=$(svcinfo lshost $h | while read x y; do [[ $x = node_logged_in_count ]] && echo -n "$y "; done ); [[ $z == *[1-9]* ]] && printf "%-16s %-s\n" "$h" "$z"; done; }
The converse of the above, useful if you have to quiesce the SAN and need to see who is still active.

basic "free" function to show mdiskgrp usage

function free() { FORMAT="%-12s %9s/%9s %5s\n"; printf "$FORMAT" "MDiskGrp" "Free" "Capacity" "Pct "; svcinfo lsmdiskgrp -delim " " -nohdr | while read a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p; do pct="$((${i%.*}*1000/${f%.*}))"; printf "$FORMAT" "$b" "$h" "$f" "${pct%?}.${pct:((-1))}%"; done; }
Looks at the output of svcinfo lsmdiskgrp, displays free space, total capacity, and percentage. Fakes the integer math, if the units (GB/MB) aren't the same for free space and capacity, it'll break the math.

Migrate all extents from one mdisk to another:

sourcemdisk=10; targetmdisk=1; svcinfo lsmdiskextent -nohdr $sourcemdisk | while read vdisk extents copy; do echo "Starting migration of $extents extents of vdisk $vdisk to mdisk $targetmdisk"; svctask migrateexts -source $sourcemdisk -target $targetmdisk -exts $extents -vdisk $vdisk -threads 1; done
  • If there are a large number of vdisks with extents on this mdisk, the command will start to fail. Wait until the migration is complete, and re-run this command as necessary.
  • The "-nohdr" option on the lsmdiskextent prevents the headers from being printed which would confuse things. (but not in a bad way, it would just error out with this error:
    CMMVC5716E Non-numeric data was entered for a numeric field ([number_of_extents]). Enter a numeric value.

Show status of extents migration (above):

function progress { echo "Waiting: $(svcinfo lsmigrate | while read x y; do [[ $x = progress ]] && p=$y; [[ $x = migrate_vdisk_index ]] && vdisk=$y; if [[ $x = number_extents ]]; then if [[ $p = 0 ]]; then echo -n "$vdisk "; else printf "Vdisk %3d %3d%% of %4d extents\n" "$vdisk" "${p}" "$y" >&2; fi; fi; done)"; }

Show the space used by vdisks for a series of hosts

hosts="Integra Miata Impreza Element Fit Saab"; eval echo $(( $(for x in $hosts; do svcinfo lshostvdiskmap -nohdr -delim : $x | while IFS=: read a b c d e f; do svcinfo lsvdisk $e | while read z y; do [[ $z = real* ]] && echo -n "${y%.??GB}+"; done; done; done; echo "0" ) ))
The hosts are defined in the space-delimited list in variable "hosts"; they must match the SVC host object name exactly, or can be the host object IDs.
Note: makes the assumption that all of the vdisks are listed in GB. Will not work with vdisks that show size in MB or TB. could be adjusted to work with this situation, though.

Show useful information about an mdisk

function mdinfo { typeset md=$1; if [[ -z "$md" ]] || ! lsmdisk="$(svcinfo lsmdisk $md)"; then echo "Error - bad mdisk..."; return 1; fi; eval $(echo "$lsmdisk" | while read a b; do [[ $a == id ]] && echo "mdid=$b"; [[ $a == name ]] && echo "mdname=$b"; [[ $a == capacity ]] && echo "mdcap=$b"; [[ $a == UID ]] && echo "uid=${b:28:4}"; done ); mdiskusedexts=$(($(svcinfo lsmdiskextent -nohdr $md | while read a b; do echo -n "$b+"; done)0)); mdiskfreeexts=$(svcinfo lsfreeextents $md | while read a b; do [[ $a == number_of_extents ]] && echo $b; done); mdisksize=$((mdiskusedexts+mdiskfreeexts)); printf "%2s %-16s %5d/%5dexts (%-8s) %3d%%used %5d free - ID %4s\n" "$md" "$mdname" "$mdiskusedexts" "$mdisksize" "$mdcap" "$((mdiskusedexts*100/mdisksize))" "$mdiskfreeexts" "$uid"; }
Example output:
DS4800-Array-9     698/ 4359exts (1089.9GB) 16%used  3661 free

List the quorum MDisks

svcinfo lsmdisk -nohdr | while read id name rest; do svcinfo lsmdisk $id | while read key value; do if [ "$key" == "quorum_index" ]; then if [ "$value" != "" ]; then echo "MDisk $id ($name) is quorum disk $value"; fi; fi; done; done

List the VDisks which are not mapped to a host

function lsfreevdisk { svcinfo lsvdisk -nohdr | while read id name rest;do if [[ -z $(svcinfo lsvdiskhostmap -nohdr $id) ]] ; then echo "VDisk '$name' is not mapped to a host"; fi; done; }

Show SCSI ID and last four digits of LUN ID for DS4800 disk:

svcinfo lsmdisk | while read id mdisk stat manage mdg mdiskgrp size scsi controller diskid; do [[ $controller != DS4800 ]] && continue; echo "$id $mdisk ${scsi:14:2} ${diskid:28:4}"; done
  • Shows mdisk ID, mdisk name, SCSI ID (two digits), and LUN ID (last four digits)

Generate a CSV of mDisk/vDisk extent distribution

 echo vDisk,mDisk,Controller,mDisk Group,Extents;

 vdiskIds=(`svcinfo lsvdisk -nohdr | while read id rest; do echo -n "$id "; done`)
 vdiskNames=(`svcinfo lsvdisk -nohdr | while read id name rest; do echo -n "$name "; done`)
 for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#vdiskNames
]} ; i++ ))

 svcinfo lsmdisk -nohdr | while read mdiskId mDiskName status mode mdgId mdgName capacity LUN controllerName UniqueID;
 svcinfo lsmdiskextent -nohdr $mdiskId | while read vdiskId extents;
     echo ${vdiskNameMap[$vdiskId]},$mDiskName,$controllerName,$mdgName,$extents;

Redirect the output of your SSH command (with which you submitted the above) to a CSV file.
You can then open the CSV with Excel and do some Pivot Table magic to get pretty graphs for your management

Storage of deprecated functions

Show status of MDiskGrp Migration: function progress { echo "Waiting: $(svcinfo lsmigrate | while read x y; do [[ $x = progress ]] && p=$y; [[ $x = migrate_source_vdisk_index ]] && vdisk=$y; if [[ $x = migrate_source_vdisk_copy_id ]]; then if [[ $p = 0 ]]; then echo -n "$vdisk "; else printf "Vdisk %3d %3d%%\n" "$vdisk" "${p}" >&2; fi; fi; done)"; }

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