Tuesday, June 24, 2008


BFT... as in: 'bout freakin' time!

Finally, I've ridden from home to work, for the first time this year. I've been threatening to do it for... sheesh -- MONTHS now... but I finally got tired of making excuses and just did it.

And? It was awesome. Riding in is one of those things that when I do it, I wonder why I don't do it more often. (the answer is usually "the ride home") Of course, it helped that it was a monumentally beautiful day, and when I was cruising down Kelly Drive, with the rowers doing their thing and the sun shining, I had a strong tailwind and was cruising with very little effort at just shy of 25mph. Life. Is. Good.

I'm also really happy with my time... 33.64 miles in 1:56 -- that's an average speed of 17.4mph! Considering I wasn't pushing at all (that ride was last night) and figured I'd be over 2 hours, that's pretty good. Especially considering I had to walk the bike *through* a fallen tree on Forbidden Drive, quite a trick while walking in hard soled bike shoes! I also stopped to help a guy whose crankarm was loosening up. I haven't decided if I'll make the return trip today... we'll see how I feel when the time comes.

The building I work in is nice in that they provide indoor bike parking behind a locked door, monitored by security cameras, and in direct line of sight of the guards. Still, I don't have a very good lock here, and partly out of curiousity, partly out of "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission", I took my bike up to the office in the elevator and have it in my cubicle. Safety wise it should be about the same, but this way I get to see my bike, which I think is very close to functional art. We'll see if anyone has any problems with it. *fingers crossed* As you can see, my cube is far from clean, so maybe nobody will notice it in the mess.

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